Even if you don’t play golf, there’s a surprising amount to learn from pro golfers who broke with tradition to “swing their own swing.” That’s what Steve Bullock learned when he analyzed tons of data for his book Out of the Box Golf. Think: Moneyball for the 9-iron crowd.

For instance, even holding a club the “traditional” way puts players at a huge disadvantage. Yet even when golfers find clear advantages through technology or alternate practices, most players ignore them (often for decades!) and fall behind their peers. “Humans tend toward conformity,” he explains. It’s not hard to see how this applies to the business world as well.

Whitney and Steve discuss the extraordinary ways that experimenting with risk can pay off, in your professional life, and on the fairway. And Steve stresses that if you don’t have the pioneer’s stomach for risk, make certain that you’re a fast follower when innovation comes knocking.

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