Our guests this episode are Bettina Hein and Andreas Goeldi, a husband and wife duo. Bettina is the founder and CEO of juli Health, a company that helps people manage their chronic diseases with an AI powered app. Andreas is a partner in btov, a European venture capital firm. This couple understands the s curve of learning™ uniquely well and are gracious enough to share their learnings with us.

“S-Curves are probably the most important concept in entrepreneurship.” – Andreas Goeldi

In this episode we discuss their approach to running companies and their marriage. We learn about Bettina’s passion for starting technology companies and hear Andreas’ journey of self-discovery that led him back to his passion for coding.

In addition to founding juli Health, Bettina is the founder of Pixability, a company that optimizes video on social media. She is currently an investor in Dragons Den, Switzerland’s version of Shark Tank. Andreas is also a serial entrepreneur. He’s formerly the co-founder and CEO of Namics, Switzerland’s leading e-business services firm and was the Chief Technology Officer at Pixability.

As impressive as all their credentials are and as you have heard, they are impressive, this only scratches the surface of what makes Bettina and Andreas so fascinating. Join us for a journey into the life of these unique and talented individuals.

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Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Bettina Hein

Andreas Goeldi


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