Today is the day!
Disrupt Yourself: Master Relentless Change and Speed Up Your Learning Curve has officially been re-launched into the world.
As with all my book “children,” I am very proud of this creation. You, my audience, have been so receptive, and I am gratified and humbled by your many emails and comments characterizing what this book has meant in your life. Your stories are inspiring, and I am eager to learn more!
On today’s episode we have our wonderful producer, Macy Robison, back in the interviewer’s chair. This week’s podcast is really a reflection of the book—it’s a wide-ranging conversation, free-wheeling, and full of energy. I love the insights that Macy brings to the table as we discuss her connection to the book, the story behind the re-release, and what lessons I took away from the first launch.
Thank you for being with me on this journey.
Takeaways from this episode:
- When Macy first read the manuscript for Disrupt Yourself, she was surprised to find that it was a “business book” geared towards a professional audience. This was in stark contrast to my first book, Dare, Dream, Do, which she described as “a cup of hot chocolate.”
- The re-release of Disrupt Yourself was both practical and philosophical: the original publisher of the book had been sold, and was not interested in continuing to publish a business book. After evaluating the options, Harvard Business Press was an obvious fit and they were eager to add it to their collection. Additionally, the re-release gives us an opportunity to frame the content and inform readers that disruption is for everyone—not just career changers and entrepreneurs.
- High-growth organizations require high-growth individuals, and when an organization understands the framework of disruption they can speed their team up the learning curve.
- The Seven Accelerants of Disruption:
- Take the Right Kind of Risks (Adela Mizrachi)
- Play to Your Distinctive Strengths (CV Harquail)
- Embrace Your Constraints (Jonathan Mendonsa)
- Battle Entitlement (Buster Scher)
- Step Back to Grow (Tiffany Shlain)
- Give Failure Its Due (Kaihan Krippendorff)
- Be Driven By Discovery (Eric Schurenberg)
- Disruption is about all of us being happier. When we can disrupt ourselves, when we are learning, we’re able to be happier (which is the whole point of life).
- You’re 100% guaranteed to fail if you don’t try.
Links Mentioned in this Episode:
- Disrupt Yourself, With a New Introduction: Master Relentless Change and Speed Up Your Learning Curve by Whitney Johnson
- Dare, Dream, Do: Remarkable Things Happen When You Dare to Dream by Whitney Johnson
- Build an A-Team: Play to Their Strengths and Lead Them Up the Learning Curve by Whitney Johnson
- What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers by Richard N. Bolles
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 97: Dan Shapero
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 100: Take the Right Kinds of Risks
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 129: Adela Mizrachi
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 130: C.V. Harquail
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 120: Playing to Your Distinctive Strengths
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 131: Jonathan Mendonsa
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 132: Buster Scher
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 55: Carter Cast
- 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week by Tiffany Shlain
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 133: Tiffany Shlain
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 86: Dave Hollis
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 134: Kaihan Krippendorff
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 106: Maren Kate Donovan
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 135: Eric Schurenberg
- Disrupt Yourself Podcast – Episode 111: Brené Brown
- Don’t Miss This with Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler
- Register for the webinar –