
A Quick Request

Hello! Happy Friday!

I have an exciting opportunity as a nominee for a Distinguished Achievement Award and the Global Ranking with Thinkers50, also known as the “Oscars” of Management Thinking. The nomination period for the Distinguished Achievement award closes on Sunday, August 1.

Would you kindly take 1 minute and complete the nomination form on my behalf?

I’ve included instructions below:

  1. Click here to start the nomination process.
  2. On the page that opens, fill out your name and email address
  3. In the field labeled YOUR GLOBAL RANKING NOMINEE, type Whitney Johnson
  4. Scroll down to the Awards section
  5. In the box labeled TALENT AWARD, type Whitney Johnson
  6. Scroll down and click the button labeled SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONS

Thank you, it is incredibly kind of you to do this!

I am so happy you are here!

My best,