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We all have an idea of what we want our future to look like. Maybe it’s very grounded, and concrete – or maybe it’s just a vague idea of how we want to feel when we get there. But what happens when we’re forced to adapt that vision? Something out of your control gets between you and your dream. How do we muster the strength to find another way through?


In 2004, Melissa Stockwell had a clear vision for her future––a lieutenant in the U-S Army. But when a roadside bomb in Baghdad took her left leg, the door to that dream slammed shut. 


Jumping ahead 20 years, on September 1st, 2024, Melissa will compete in Paris in her fourth paralympic triathlon. Her motivational speeches have inspired rooms full of people. And her non-profit, Dare2Tri, is giving other disabled athletes resources so they can run toward their dreams.


What can we learn from Melissa, and her journey – from that Baghdad hospital, to the Paralympic podium?

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