387 Tarsha Joyner: To Manifest Your Dreams, Put Them Into Words, Say It Out Loud, And Say It Often

Click HERE to receive SHRM number. The power of manifesting something into reality might seem… well, a bit silly at times. It’s all over social media, for better or for worse. It […]
One Thing To Consider Doing When You Are Upset

One of the best ways to heal from loss is for someone to bear witness. Last week, I was upset with Amy, my co-founder. I didn’t want to be. But I […]
One Way to Handle The Unexpected Challenge of Less Being More

“Less explanation is more convincing than more explanation.” Alan Cohen This past week, my speaking took a different and challenging turn. I was invited to deliver a Pecha Kucha at […]

This is a week of experimentation––an exploration at the launch point. Rather than sharing a story, I’m sharing a few quotes that I’ve encountered recently and the thoughts they prompted […]
Dominoes Falling for Good

“Small acts of decency ripple in ways we could never imagine.” Cory Booker Last week, one of my team members, Kaitlin, and I were finishing up filming for our certification program […]
295. Jesse Iwuji: Never Let Someone’s Opinion of You Become Your Reality

< Jesse Iwuji is a first-generation Nigerian-American, U.S. Navy reserve officer, college football star, and if that’s not enough: an accomplished and beloved professional NASCAR driver. So, how did […]
Resilience Center Stage

“When life seems hard, the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat; instead, they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future.” Queen Elizabeth II […]