Something Old, Something New: The Surprising Wonderfulness of Podcasts

Happy New Year!

I love the holiday season and the rollover into the new year. There’s always a mix of meaningful emotions for me—nostalgia for the events of the year just finished—both achievements and setbacks—and anticipation for the changes and opportunities that might be ahead with a fresh start and a new page on the calendar.

In that spirit, I offer something old and something new for you this week.

The Disrupt Yourself podcast passed the 300-episode mark in December. It is an amazing milestone that was only possible thanks to the work of countless individuals. I’m very proud of how far we’ve come since the podcast launched in 2016 (our own S Curve) and the amazing guests and extraordinary content we get to share to support you in your growth journey. 

If you haven’t become a listener yet, or even if you have, I’d like to share a few episodes from 2022 for you to listen to or re-listen to—something old, but excellent. I really love all our episodes and the wonderful guests who participate, but these six fundamentally changed my behavior and/or how I think:

Episode 286: Richie Norton, Value Your Time, and Stop Timing Your Values. Time is a finite resource in our lives. We always want more yet have no way to create it. But our relationship with time can be changed. It’s questionable whether I would have made time this past summer for tennis lessons if not for my conversation with Richie and exposure to his work.

Episode 285: Jason Feifer, Want to Succeed? Be Adaptable. A fascinating chat about why we’re actually terrified by change. The personal resonance came when he talked about our governing questions. I realized that mine was not productive, so I took the time to think it through, introspect, and reframe my governing question.

Episode 293: Annie Duke, Know When to Fold Em. This conversation was unique because I completely changed what we were going to talk about in the moment, and I rarely, if ever, do that. It was a real-time exercise in being discovery-driven. She’s also the only former professional poker champion turned decision strategist I’ve interviewed. Her unique perspective taught me that we almost always quit things way too late.

Episode 269: Susan Cain, The Upside of Seeking Sadness. I loved Susan’s first book, Quiet, and her new book, Bittersweet, is also great. Because of her work and our conversation, I went to a Jacob Collier concert—with my daughter—now a happy memory I wouldn’t otherwise have.

Episode 262: Johnny C. Taylor, Our Relationship to Work is Changed Forever. Johnny is the CEO of SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management, and an authority on the post-pandemic workplace. His opening story packs such a punch and reminds me of the importance of telling our stories, and the conversation also emphasizes the power we wield in the workplace. 

Episode 284: Regina Kim, How Korean Pop Culture Disrupted Global Entertainment. This is not just a business/cultural phenomenon but a personal passion. It was great fun to talk about one of my favorite pastimes—watching Korean dramas.

I hope you’ll find a nugget of wisdom or inspiration you may have missed. If you want more, here are some of our team favorites and the most downloaded episodes from last year. 

And something new? I hope you’ll become or continue to be a podcast listener in 2023. We already have a lineup of great guests to kick off the new year and will no doubt encounter some surprising wonderfulness as we engage in the conversations of podcast future.

What was your favorite episode of 2022? 

What content would you like to hear on the podcast in 2023?

Thank you for being here!

My best,

P.S. Interested in our most downloaded episodes ever? Check out our website for the list!

P.S.S. Did you know Disruption Advisors can curate a podcast list for you and your team? Help your team grow in 2023 by providing them with the tools they need to listen, reflect, and move up their individual and collective S Curves. Reach out to to learn more!