This New Tool Will Help Unlock Your Personal and Organizational Growth

“I didn’t realize your company does that. Or this.”

That is a comment we get a lot.

I get so focused on one service we provide that I sometimes forget to share the many other ways we can help.

Like with our S Curve Insight tool.

This is something that we’ve been working on for several years now –– developing and providing a tool that will help our clients visualize growth. This tool has been a key resource in answering questions like:

–– Where do my team members see themselves in their growth? 

–– Am I giving them the tools and skills necessary for growth? 

–– Are they in an environment that supports their growth?

My co-founder, Amy Humble, and I realized nearly two years ago that we needed to improve our tool to better support leaders investing in their people and teams’ growth

Or, to paraphrase Marshall Goldsmith, what got us here, was not going to get us there.

We needed to scale our tool’s curve — our S Curve tool’s S Curve — if you will. 

That’s why our team at Disruption Advisors (and huge props to Amy for championing this) has been hard at work developing a completely overhauled version of our S Curve Insight Tool, which was released this week.

This latest iteration of the S Curve Insight Tool uses data-driven insights to help individuals and leaders collaboratively grow talent in meaningful, measurable ways, starting with individual growth and then emphasizing collective growth. 

Developing this tool has been its own challenging growth curve for our team. We experienced the slow Launch Point where every decision felt hard. We were quickly trying to become literate in diagnostic design, technology development, and planning user experiences. We learned a lot, but it felt slow and really hard. 

Now we are at our Sweet Spot. The S Curve Insight Tool and its continual development are flying along at high speeds. Someday, we will hit Mastery, but we have no intention of sitting back and letting this be the top of our curve. We will continue to develop the tool and grow our team to support it. 

We’ve had a tough climb to reach today — launch day — but, thankfully, we didn’t start at zero. We built upon the previous tool’s S Curve. We stood on the shoulders of the US we were yesterday. We applied what we’ve learned from over 25 years of research and experience in understanding growth and personal disruption. 

And this week, we are implementing an additional growth concept — celebration. Amy and I are proud of how far the tool has come over the past two years. We are proud of our team for the amazing work they have done. We appreciate the outside support we’ve had.

So, we are taking this time to celebrate, and hope you, as someone who has been on this growth journey with us, will take a minute to celebrate with us

The new version of the S Curve Insight Tool has officially launched! 

This week’s podcast guest is Lori Winkler, Chief Human Resources Officer at Zimmer Biomet.

I am deeply impressed by their company’s culture and was eager to hear about her journey. Hint: it involves both spirituality and Bruce Springsteen. I hope you love the conversation as much as I did.

As always, thanks for being here!

All best,

P.S. Are you interested in the new and improved S Curve Insight Tool for you and your team? Reach out to us at to learn more!