One Surprising Way to Show People You Care About Them

“Average players want to be left alone. Good players want to be coached. Great players want to be told the truth.” Doc Rivers

This past week, the topic of feedback has come up in my circle several times: in an article that our team was writing, with a number of coaching clients, a post by Brooke Romney, and my constant drumbeat within our organization is that everyone ask for feedback so that they can get better faster (and get credit for getting better).

One of the biggest questions we ask is – and we’ve talked about this beforeif you aren’t getting any feedback, ask yourself why.

Is it really that you are just ‘knocking it out of the park?” That may be true, but usually, if you are, you will get feedback that you are, in fact, hitting home runs. So, if you aren’t hearing anything, it may be, just maybe, it’s because everyone around you knows that feedback blows like a breeze through the transom of your mind without making any impact on you or effecting any change. 

Or maybe people are afraid to give you feedback. They care about you, want you to grow, and wish you would, but the cost to them is too great an investment to make in your development. They know that you will get defensive, or worse, retaliatory, so they just don’t bother (We talked briefly about this in the podcast with Kelly Richmond Pope). Too bad for you, because feedback from those closest to us–our colleagues, friends, and family at home–can offer real food for thought if we’re willing to open our minds and set the table for it.

So, while I do get feedback from you about the newsletter, I decided to walk my talk. I’m asking you for feedback about this newsletter: D Is for Disruption.

So here are my questions:

  1. How is your life better because you read this newsletter?
  2. Is there anything you would suggest we start or stop doing to make it more useful to you?
  3. Do you ever share the newsletter? Why or why not?
  4. Where do you live? (if you’d like to share)
  5. Anything else you want me to know? 

Answer any of the questions, answer all, or anything in between –– but I would be truly grateful for your feedback. As I frequently say, when we give a person feedback, we are telling them that we are invested in them and that we care about them. After all, why would we go through the pain of saying something that might be misperceived, if we don’t care. We do. So, SHARE THE LOVE!

Our podcast this week is Her Royal Highness, Princess Reema Bandar, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States. When I was the online host for the Masters of Scale Summit last year, I was impressed by her ability to advocate for women, particularly in a wonderfully gracious way. I knew I wanted you to hear from her.

As always, thanks for being here.

My best,

P.S. Interested in a surefire system for helping clients accelerate their individual growth while also becoming a catalyst for organizational growth? If so, get Smart Growth certified. Learn more.

P.P.S. Remember to hit reply and ‘share the love’.